aural pleasures
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  Clock Converter 1.0 - Help File  

What it is for This tool converts song tempo [bpm] to delaytime [ms] or to LFO-frequency [hz].

How it is done Set tempo of your music. You may use the slider or enter it by keyboard. Invald entries such as text or commata will not be parsed.

Click red triangle to switch delay and frequency-mode.

Results are shown from half-notes to 32th-notes, each value as normal note, as triplet and dotted.

In delay mode you may find that your processor doesn't match the desired time ? I.e. time should be 203 ms, but your Delay offers only 200 or 205 ms. So let's readjust the tempo of the song. Click on the desired time. Your choice will be highlighted and exact tempo is shown. This is called smartass feature.

Install Exctract clockcon.zip to your drive and run the .exe. No system files are needed, to uninstall just delete all clockcon.xyz files.

On Timing Don't be too fussy with your delay settings. You shouldn't really suppose your drum-machine or sequencer to run at perfectly 120 bpm only cause the display reads so. For testing change master and slave and compare their tempo readouts.

 Use sidestick drum sounds or clicks to finetune your delay times. In case of doubt rely on your ears.

Help Screen The help & info screen may be found in system-menu - info.

Licence This is freeware. You may copy and share as you like, but be shure to include this help file.

Legal Disclaimer I claim nothing and will deny anything.

Contact For updates, suggestions or criticism go to

One Last Word Sometimes, having it all in one place beats having it all. So you might use your favourite sequencer to get your delay times.

Deselect all tracks in arrange window and set a delay to your MIDI Thrugh. Then choose view.delay ms.

aural pleasures
killing time
